About Us - original

Chew on BiteMyWood Toothpicks as a healthy, a substitute to gum, candy and tobacco.

We currently manufacture and distribute 5 types of natural flavored and unbleached high quality USA made Birchwood double point toothpicks.

We Also distribute decorative single cut and double point birchwood high quality toothpicks in large bulk quantity sleeves.

Our brand is a product that you may want to carry daily.
We don’t sell toothpicks; we sell an alternative to your everyday lifestyle products.

We didn't start a product, we invented a Lifestyle Brand.

We manufacture products that our customers are proud to
Share, Show Off, and Support.

All Proudly Shipped and Made In Las Vegas, NV. USA

BiteMyWood 21 Poker Pack

1. What is BiteMyWood?
Lifestyle Brand - Something You Use Every Day.
Our Key Product Is the Best USA Made Quality Birch Wood
Essentially Flavored Chewing Sticks.

2. Short Story-
Started by David Miller from Las Vegas, NV
I originally started this company in 7th grade in middle school. I didn’t realize it until 2008 that I was a young entrepreneur. I lost my job because of the economy and took it upon myself to start my own business and product line. eBay was a big deal back then in 2008. I posted my first 2 flavors of cinnamon and Cinnamint and sold 500 sales in 2 months.

From there I went on to start my custom site, Etsy store, and Yahoo store, and then Amazon accepted us to sell on their platform.

A few years later Shopify and Walmart came out with their platforms and I established both websites and stores that are currently growing and selling today.

3. Long Story-
It all started in 7th grade when my friend introduced me to cinnamon paper. A small white thin/thick piece of paper that looked normal. It was wrapped in aluminum foil and we made all kinds of shapes. Remember we were in 7th grade here and it wasn’t too hard to get a kid’s attention when you show them a new piece of candy or mint-like counterpart. Let’s label that as "Candy"

So being a 13-year-old boy what else would a single mother that worked all day and night do? Bulk shop once a month on a Sunday at Costco or Sam’s Club.

My Mom would take me to Costco and I would see all the boxes of Soda/Pop and Alcohol and Muffins/ Croissants and then you come up to the bread and last candy Isle. That’s where you would also find plain toothpicks that they sell in restaurants in boxes. I'm sure you remember the plain or poorly mint toothpicks that you start chewing on after a good or bad meal.

The idea came about after many months of making, packaging, and selling Cinnamon Paper in 7th grade. That's when a light bulb went off. I need to sell Cinnamon toothpicks. I never knew it would lead to getting me suspended from school for 3 days

My mother had to come into my school and meet with me and my Principal.

He said your son is being very disruptive in his class and hallways during a break because he is selling those toothpicks.

Needless to say, I started my first brand Flavasticks in 2008, and now all with BiteMyWood in 2019.

4. What does BiteMyWood Sell?
Our brand is something you carry and rely on daily. Toothpicks, Clothing, and Accessories (Birchwood Toothpicks, Hats, T-shirts, Keychains, Playing Cards, and more.) We do not only sell toothpicks but a lifestyle.

5. What Makes BiteMyWood different from other competitors?
We manufacture quality over quantity in small batches. Made and packed In Las Vegas, NV. We are located 1 mile from the main Post Office and UPS.

6. Who buys BiteMyWood products?
Many different types of people buy. People looking for a little help while quitting tobacco or substances. Curious, adventurous people who love new experiences. As well as people who love to entertain, and order from the top-shelf.WARNING: Not to be sold or used by persons under the age of 13 years. Keep cartridges and packs locked up and out of reach and sight of children and pets as they are dangerous if swallowed. If you have a health history or conditions that exist, please consult your doctor before use.

Please Note: BiteMyWood and our wood-flavored toothpicks ARE NOT a pharmaceutical company and do not produce medical products.